Increasing Productivity, Profitability and Impact for Women-Owned and Purpose-Driven Businesses

  • Take 20 hours off your work week
  • Never fight fires again
  • Serve more customers with your existing team
  • So your business can increase its impact...
  • ... with less effort


You’ve completely transformed my business! Everything runs much more calmly. We’re no longer running around like chooks with their heads cut off. We’re no longer busy, busy, busy, always trying to bail water out of the boat. 

Now we fix the holes in the boat.


We've gone from trying to convince clients to use us, to them convincing me to do the job for them. We’ve been able to raise our prices, and still be booked out for the next 8 months. We're doing less, but our turnover’s higher, much higher. 

I don't mind doing a little less work and still getting paid more for it. It's definitely easier.

When you've got an established business, it can feel like there's always something that needs your attention...
that's taking you away from what you REALLY want to be doing...

In fact, 26% of your time. Which equates to 13 weeks a year...
... and 20-30% of your revenue.
Business transformation

Business is complex

Increasing your business's productivity – for your team and your customers – is possible.

But it doesn't happen by accident.

Complexity can still be complex...

... and streamlined, simplified and automated as much as possible to 

  • save time (productivity)
  • save money (profitability)
  • increase team retention
  • increase customer satisfaction.
Kristina Coyne standing on stairs, smiling at camera

Hi, I'm Kristina

With more than 20 years of documented experience helping increase business productivity, profitability and impact, I've got a unique perspective on why and how these issues happen, and ways to deliver the efficiency outcomes you're looking for.

Everything I do is intensely practical, with people getting results almost immediately.

Plus we build in flexibility, because if these last couple of years have taught us anything, it's that curve balls can hit when we least expect them...

... so we'd better be able to respond quickly and easily, WITHOUT having to rip everything out and start again.

When businesses get to a certain size, the way they've been operating
no longer works well

This can look like...

  • Things fall through the cracks. For example, you know that you have delivered some services that you haven't billed for, clients you haven't followed up with...
  • Dealing with things that you THOUGHT your team had got sorted... constantly putting our fires...
  • Having the same issues re-occur, and not have the time or knowledge to look at WHY they're happening, and stop them at the source...
  • If someone were to leave, it would cause big problems for you because only they know how they do what they do, and where their things are up to.

None of these are sustainable over the long term...

The fix, to stop wasting that 26% of time?

Watch the video to see how these problems come about, and how we help you fix them.

The impact on your people, productivity and profitability is enormous.

When things aren't working well, it causes significant negative impact on all areas of your business. 

And then incredible positive impact after you fix things.

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As a small business owner, I know you’re busy, so I’ll make this REALLY quick.

The problem that I see most often in businesses is that when they get to a certain size, the business owner is working crazy hours, and the staff are running around like headless chooks. 

When ideally they want a sense of calm, where everything just works easily. 

Most businesses start off with just one person - the business owner.

And they can serve a certain number of customers with just them.

Over time that gets too much so they start bringing on staff.

And the expectation is that as you bring on more staff that you increase your customers at the same rate.

That's the ideal. 

But what really happens is that the more staff you bring on, the less customers per staff you actually end up serving.

So you've got this big gap between what you thought was going to happen and what is actually happening.

This is your operational and management overhead.

When you work with me, we reduce that management and operational overhead to as little as possible, allowing you to serve more customers with your existing staff.

You’re able to bring in more money, without increasing your outgoings. Meaning you increase your profits enormously.

Now how does this operational and management overhead, and the working crazy hours, come about?

Most businesses think of themselves as a management hierarchy.

You've got the business owner at the top and then you've got all of the different areas in the business underneath that.

That's all well and good for reporting structures, but it doesn't take into account how the day to day work actually happens.

The work happens horizontally.

The work and data flows from one area of the business to the next.

Except that most of the time, it doesn't…

What happens is that the business owner steps in to make sure that the work and data are flowing to all the people who need it, because they’ve got the bigger picture of what’s going on. Whereas their staff don’t…

This also keeps the business owner stuck in much of the day-to-day operations of the business, contributing to them being the bottle neck, working too many hours just to get everything done, and keeping the business stuck at its current level.

All of this creates that operational and management overhead.

What you want to happen is that the business owner absolutely sits over the top and directs things, and works out which particular things in the business they want to do. And then we make sure that the staff are doing all of the other bits to a high standard, so that the work and data flows seamlessly across through the business. With the business owner having good visibility, and staff empowered and able to fully do their jobs, without intervention.

It’s all about working with you and your people to increase their productivity which gives you increased profitability.

If you or someone you know wants to make their business run quicker and easier, I would welcome the opportunity to have a friendly conversation with them to explore where they're at, what challenges they're facing, and how I can tap into my decades of documented results to ensure that THEY increase their profitability, and go from working 20 hours a day, to taking half days off, and making more money while they’re doing it.

How we're different

When you're looking to

  • get your team to deliver how you want them to deliver or 
  • solve workflow problems or
  • put in a new computer system or
  • set your business up to scale,

many coaches/consultants/programs get you to

  • watch a bunch of videos or 
  • sit through hours of group training or
  • dump all over you in 1:1 sessions with all the things you SHOULD be doing,

trying to impart all their collected wisdom to you.

With the end result that you STILL need to work it all out for yourself and apply it to your business.

We do things differently.

The reason you're looking for help is that you're ALREADY time-poor.

So we work in small chunks of time with you and your key team, getting all the info about what you do.

Then we work on it behind the scenes to develop your blueprint for where you are now, where you want to be, and how you're going to get there.

It's intensely practical. WITHOUT you having to do all the work.

We take all our years of learning and experience, and apply it to your business. 

So you can use it, develop it, and continue to build on it over time as your business grows, without you having to learn how to do it for yourself.

What we do

This is way more than time management or productivity. This is making visible and improving all the underlying structures of the business, the way work and data flows from one area of the business to the other. 

In the same way as architectural blueprints allows everyone to see how the building will work, your business architecture shows how everything hangs together, specifically tailored for YOUR business.

Lack of this visibility is what keeps businesses stuck, because you often end up fixing the wrong problems.

Understanding and managing complexity is critical, because your work and information flows traverse the whole of your business, not just single parts.

And even better?

It takes very little time and effort to get massive, quick results, without losing revenue.

Who we work with

We work with  CEOs of 7-8 figure businesses who are in the Growth, Leverage and Legacy stages.

They're not satisfied to stay where they are.

They want to expand, grow and scale their business. To serve as many people as they can, because they know their products and solutions work, and solve other people's problems. Their solutions deliver enormous value. 

As well as running their business, they're also committed to making a positive social or environmental impact in the world. Because when they make more money in their business, they can give more money to causes they care about.

They are looking to solve the following problems.

Free up time, increase revenue, while delegating those bits that they don't  want to do

While the business owner isn't QUITE ready to exit the business yet (maybe 2, 5, 10 or even 20 years down the track), they DO want to make it easier for themselves.

To start to enjoy the time and money freedom that they went into business for. Spend more time with friends and family. Take that 3 month holiday their partner has been planning for years.

Or at least go from working 20 hour days to taking half days off...

While knowing that the business is thriving until they get back.

And when they are back on board, only doing the bits that they REALLY want to do... with everything else managed well by their team... with visibility and oversight, without them having to be involved in everything.

And without them having to put in a crap-ton of effort to get it to that state.

Time and money freedom, plus increased impact 
(the reasons why they went into business)

Get a better price when selling the business

Only about 20% of businesses that are put up for sale actually sell.

Those that sell, and sell quickly for a high price, are the ones that can easily operate without the existing business owner. 

They have defined processes, well-embedded systems, and accurate and available data.

The new owner can just walk in.

Meaning the business owner can exit their business for a life-changing amount...

... while leaving the legacy of their business, reinforcing the value that they've created through their years building it up.

If you're thinking about selling your business at some later stage, why wait till then to get everything running seamlessly? It's not like a house where you do it up just before you sell, so that it's all fresh. With a business, the longer things are embedded, the better.

Life-changing exit

Streamline newly-bought  business

Many people buy an existing business. They've been through their due diligence to make sure that it is financially viable.

And while it is financially viable, lack of systems and available data can be a problem for the new business owner.

Immediately looking at and improving the business operations gives a massive boost to the value of the business, and the ease with which the new business owner can run it.

So they get greater returns than the previous business owner, and make the business a much more attractive proposition to run. In both time and money.

Business improvement for increased profitability

Merge multiple businesses

Existing business owners may buy other businesses, either to extend their offerings, or to buy in a different customer base.

In either situation, they will now have TWO sets of systems - one for each of the businesses.

What do you keep? What do you throw away? How do you manage the integration of the two different ways of working? Plus keep the team and customers on board, and happy with the new changes?

These are all big issues for the business owner to resolve. And difficult to do if business process improvement is not your subject matter expertise.

Everything seamlessly working together

How we solve your complex business problems to streamline, simplify and automate your business

1. Get a handle on how you do things now

Before we can change anything, we need to know what the current situation is. This covers your team, steps, systems and data. Together with you and your key team, we map it all out so that everyone understands your current state.

Many people think you can skip this step, and just go straight to the solution. And then they wonder why the changes didn't stick, or give them the results they were looking for...

It's because they haven't identified all the supporting systems that also need to change. 

So we make sure we identify ALL the related things, so we can change them too. To deliver you the full, sustainable improvements that you want.

2. Plan how you WANT to operate

As we identify what you currently do, you and your team will find all sorts of ways you can do things better. Easier. With less stress.

You also get my insights, from my decades of documented experience, to identify other opportunities that you and your team may not have thought of.

You get massive benefits from this step alone. Many of the changes we come up with may not require any additional supports, and you can start putting them into practice straight away.

A business where everything works like clockwork is more profitable. Can serve more customers. Reduces team turnover.

And gives YOU greater time and money freedom... which are the reasons you went into business in the first place, right?

3. Implement

Start using the streamlined and simplified processes and workflows you've defined.

As you put things into practice, you'll identify further issues you'll want to fix.

And because you have your visual map of how everything works, you and your team can make minor tweaks along the way.

One of the best compliments you can pay us is to say "Hey, Kristina, you know those processes you drew up for us? They don't look anything like that today."

When you and your team are fully owning and working on improving your processes. you will ALWAYS find ways to improve them. We give you the visibility and building blocks. And because your business and the world we live in are constantly changing, you now have a firm basis to easily adapt to those changes.

4. Add software and automation, where it makes sense

It's much easier to automate a process you already do, and that works well. Which is why you start doing things manually first.

When you know what you want to automate, and know that it will give you the desired outcomes even before you begin, your project succeeds.

The choice of software becomes a no-brainer, because you know exactly what you're looking for.

And your team are on board from the very beginning, because they've been involved in deciding how it will work.

Which means that they'll actually use it.

Total WIN-WIN.

Why is software and automation the LAST thing we look at?

Because everything else gives us the success criteria for the software.

We don't look at the software and work out how you can use it.

We look at YOUR business, and work out what YOU need.

This is why we are not affiliated with any software products. We help you to choose the best software that meets your needs, based on what you do in your business, your team's abilities, and your existing systems.

So you get the right software, that does what you want it to do, in the way that you want to use it.

Without wasting months and tens of thousands of dollars putting in place lots of different software that you give up on within a couple of weeks or months.
Or never even get around to using...

You get to skip all that.

You get the right software for you, first time.

To get some tips on choosing the right software to help you streamline and automate your business processes, get the guide on
How to Successfully Choose Software... Every Time, For Any Type of Software

Process, Automation, Innovation, Solution and Reliability gears interacting

When should you work with us?

If you don't currently have an Operations Manager, Office Manager or Practice Manager

You've likely got to the stage where there's too much about the business to hold in your head. You want to make changes, and are not sure where to start. And both of those things (plus more) are keeping you awake at night.

Taking a bird's eye view of your business, with someone who is not emotionally connected with it, can open up all sorts of opportunities that it's unlikely you would ever uncover on your own.

And as we are consultants, not coaches, we don't show you the direction and expect you to get there on your own.

We do all the work to map everything out, and present it back to you for you and your team to discuss and agree. It takes very little of your time - 2 hours a week over a couple of weeks.

And when we're done, this is a great place for a future Operations Manager or Practice Manager to start with. Because the skills to keep something going are quite different to the skills needed to transform and optimise it.

If you have an Operations Manager, Office Manager or Practice Manager

Unless you've already gone through a business transformation or process improvement  process, it's likely that things STILL aren't operating as well as you want them to. Even if you already have someone working with you who manages the day-to-day.

Having an external consultant come in and work with you and your team allows you to have some hard conversations that can be challenging to have in-house. With a third party in the room, and one who is looking specifically at the workflow integrations between team members, including the data that everyone needs to do their job well, you can drive significant improvements without getting into personalities.

And when it's time to implement, your Operations Manager or Practice Manager has all the info they need to very rapidly transform how your business works.

If you want to

  • grow or scale your business
  • free up your time
  • transition your business to someone to operate on your behalf
  • sell your business for a life-changing exit

You're an expert in the subject matter of your business.

And unless your business is process improvement, process optimisation or business transformation, the skills, tools and techniques we use are unlikely to be something you're familiar with. 

Plus, when you're intimately involved with something, you see only what you want to see. Like when you're reading something you wrote, it's really hard to pick up the issues because you read what you THINK it says, not what it actually says. Which means it's really hard for you to look dispassionately at how your business works.

The best way to do this work, and get the outcomes you want, is to have someone experienced guide you through it. Someone who has all the frameworks, built from years of working with multiple businesses... so that everything just fits and works together.


Many businesses owners don't know where to start.

That's ok, that's what we do! All day, every day.